Saturday, January 25, 2014

Blogging Facts

Fact: Blogs keep growing – in volume & value.
  • There are 152,000,000 blogs on the internet
  • The global population of blog readers keeps growing.
  • There are 31% more bloggers today than there were three years ago.
  • Most people read blogs more than once/day.
  • Most people read 5-10 blogs.
  • Nearly 40% of US companies use blogs for marketing purposes.
  • 2/3 of marketers say their company blog is “critical” or “important” to their business.

FACT: Blogging can really move the needle.
  • Blog articles influence purchases.
  • Companies that blog have 55% more website visitors.
  • B2C companies that blog generate 88% more leads per month than those who do not.
  • B2B companies that blog generate 67% more leads per month than those who do not.
  • Companies with >51 blog articles experience a 77% lift in median monthly leads.
  • Blogging frequency has a direct & significant impact on lead-gen.

FACT: Bloggers are “morning people.”
  • Morning is the most popular time to read blogs.
  • Blog reading peaks Link-sharing among blog readers peaks around 7am.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Blog early & often.

(Stats and figures provided by HubSpot)

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